Writing is a mental process. It requires imagination and sharpness of mind to pound the keyboard daily or build that story over time into a book.That's where writing prompts come in. They serve to …
Write a Solid Novel in 60 Days or Less?
Life, as with art, is about experimenting to find what works. For that reason, I'm always fascinated by other writers techniques and methods. Even moreso if they have found a way to be more productive …
Creative Writing – Watch a Short Story Being Created
Inside Creative Writing Creative writing is a mystical beast. For some it is whimsical and spirit driven: less a pursuit than a drifting, waiting for the muse to inspire and produce. For others, it …
Writers Don’t Think They Have Something To Say
So many people idealise about writing a book. They have grand plans to leave a legacy, share their story or help others. How many do you think actually achieve those lofty goals? I don't know …
Writing A Good Non-Fiction Book … Fast
In any endeavour in life, if you're not learning you risk going stale and becoming outdated in your methods. The moral is - always be learning. Robert Plank is one of the most prodigious people …
10 Rules of Writing by Elmore Leonard
Elmore Leonard: 10 Rules for Good Writing When you want to learn to write well you see what those who are recognised as great writers have done. Model the best. Elmore Leonard is an acknowledged …